Cars - The Automotive Magazine was first published in 1959 by Irwin Stein and his Royal Publications.
Stein had numerous car magazines in the era. He was well known as a New York
publisher, the owner of Lancer Books, and he published many genres like science fiction, detective and heroic fantasies.
This magazine was first titled Hot Rods, Super Stocks and Customs. Three issues were printed with this name, then the title was changed to Cars - The Automotive Magazine in April, 1960. It was published monthly with intermittent breaks until August, 1965, when it was re-titled again as Hi-Performance Cars. All issues were printed in the large format style.
The table of contents, if available, can be seen by clicking on the icon.
Cars - The Automotive Magazine had three years of publisher-provided print volume data for 1963 through 1965, and
annual net paid circulation was 350,000 issues in 1963 and grew to 363,000 by 1965.
There were 51 issues printed from December, 1959 through August, 1965. All cover images and table of content pages are complete.

Title change

Numbering Error

Numbering error

Numbering error

Last issue b/4 re-title