The titles listed below are ones that we have identified but unfortunately have either limited information, missing start and end dates,or incomplete cover images. We continue to search for these images so that we may publish a complete set. We feel it is important to list them, even with incomplete information, so future researchers may be able to expand our body of knowledge.
- Blue Bars (1962 - present). This title is the official publication of the National Council of Corvette Club Inc. Efforts have been made to scan all issues and make them available online at the NCCC website.
- Corvette/Chevy Buyers Guide (1984 - ??). This magazine was published by C. Paul Meyer in Bloomington, Illinois. It was positioned as a marketplace for cars, parts, accessories and services. We have seen print versions up through 1987, but the end date of production is unknown at this time.
- Corvette Classics (1994 - ??). Started by Starlog Telecommunications in New York. The publisher was Norman Jacobs, and little is known of the magazine. We have only seen a few issues.
- Corvette Illustrated (1986 - 1987). Published by McMullen Publishing. A short-lived title.
- Corvette Magazine (2002 - present). A high quality magazine printed on heavy stock paper, it features road tests, how-to articles, Corvette history, and race reports.
- Corvette Marketplace (1981 - ??). Little is known about this title, and we've only seen a few issues.
- Custom Vettes (1979 - 1980). Published by Myron Fass under S.J. Publications. Another title similar to Vette Power.
- For Vettes Only (1975 - present). A Corvette club magazine published by the NCOA which has a membership of over 20,000 members.
- Good Times (1970 - 1976??). Publication of the Classic Corvette Club '53-'55, which was a precursor to the NCRS. Like most of these types of publications, they provided technical information needed for restoration, classified ads and supplier information.
- Solid Ground (1994 - present). Publication of the Solid Axle Corvette Club or SACC. The title focused on those restoring pre-1962 Corvettes with solid (i.e., not independent) rear axles. The founding president was Noland Adams.
- Straight Talk (1987 - 1994). Published by Straight Axle Corvette Enthusiast (SACE), the founder and publisher was Roy Braatz. Content was geared to those restoring early Corvettes.
- Vette Supershopper (1973 - ??). Very little is known of this magazine. Clearly it featured classified ads.
- Vette Vantage (1982 - 1984??). Published out of Williamsburg, Virginia, the publisher was Richard P. Barron. Otherwise, very little is known about this title but copies do surface on eBay.
- Vette'n USA (1976 - 1979). Published out of Ludlow Massachusetts. A newspaper-style publication.