Cars & Parts Corvette was created by the publishers of Cars & Parts magazine. It was a
dedicated Corvette magazine published by Amos Automotive in Sidney, Ohio. It broadly covered many generations of Corvettes, and this was done with
a strong editorial team and quality content. The editor was Bob Stevens, and noted columnists included Noland Adams, Richard Newton and Dennis Doty.
The magazine earned the respect and recognition of many loyal readers. For many it became their primary Corvette magazine, and they often dropped their subscriptions to Corvette Fever and Vette magazines.
Cars & Parts Corvette began as a quarterly title in 1994. After two issues, publishing was paused until 1998. In its resurrected form, it became a bi-monthly title. The magazine was later renamed to Corvette Enthusiast in July 2003. Under the new name it lasted until December, 2010 when it was consolidated again with six other titles into Auto Enthusiast.
The table of contents, if available, can be seen by clicking on the icon.
The publisher did NOT provide paid circulation data to The Standard Periodical Directory.
A total of 32 issues was printed from Spring, 1994 through June, 2003. All images are complete.
This title and others from Amos Press shared a single website, www.carsandparts.com. The site is now defunct. Since publishers
were just starting to use the internet in the early 2000s, the amount of content was fairly limited. Snippets can be seen on the
Internet Archive.

Last issue b/4 re-title