Custom Cars was published in the
small, pocket-sized format from September, 1957 to August, 1960.
It was owned by Petersen Publishing and published under Teens Publications with Dick Day was the editor. This was a professionally produced
magazine in all regards.
Coverage of customs was generally limited since they are more expensive and labor intensive to build. As Detroit introduced big cubic inch factory cars, magazines generally shifted their focus to drag racing or muscle cars, leaving custom car titles behind.
The table of contents can be seen by clicking on the icon.
Custom Cars had three years of publisher provided print volume
data. It started strong in #3 position in 1958, but dropped to #8
or #9 position the next two years. Average monthly net paid circulation was reported as 41,667 in 1958 then dropped to 21,993 by 1960.
A total of 36 issues were published. Cover images and table of content pages are complete for this title.

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