Model Car Science was published monthly by Delta Magazines Inc. in Los Angeles. The publishers were Gordon Behn and Don Werner.
Gordon Behn owned Delta Magazines and Argus Publishing which published Popular Customs and
Popular Hot Rodding. The editor was Stephen D. Urette.
Model Car Science was first published in June 1963 and continued through July 1972. Its name was changed to Model Car & Science in September, 1967. A companion publication, Model Car & Track was folded into Model Car & Science with the January 1968 issue. And then in September 1968, it reverted back to Model Car Science through the end of its life.
Contents focused on models cars but then shared slot car content after the merger with Model Car & Track. It included product reviews and custom construction techniques.
Model Car Science was consistently in the #2 position in print volumes among car model and slot car titles that provided paid
circulation details. In the time period from 1964 to 1971, average monthly net paid circulation
started at 33,300, declined to 21,300 through 1969, then dropped to 18,670 during the last two years.

Last Known Issue