Modified Mustangs magazine was started by Rob Laidlaw and his VerticalScope organization in Toronto, Canada.
The editor of this title, Huw Evans, targeted 1979 and later Mustangs with a strong focus on the 5.0 and 4.6 liter cars. The magazine had three
content areas - deep product testing for speed and performance, event coverage, and profiled reader rides. It had a higher quality feel to it, with
great graphics and photography. Many products were featured along with very attractive young women since the magazine had over 90% male readership.
Technical articles were written both for the novice and
experienced Mustang performance owner. The final printed product was typically about 150 pages.
Mr. Laidlaw was a proverbial "boy genius". He had already started a business in high school, and in 1999 -- at age 18 -- he left college and moved to
Toronto. He then created over 100 media properties in power sports, automotive and technology in rapid succession including
Modified Mustangs and Modified Luxury & Exotics.
Primedia's Enthusiast Media division purchased Modified Mustangs in February, 2007, and the Primediaa logo appeared on the front cover in June, 2007.
A few months after the acquisition, the Enthusiast Media division sold numerous titles to Source Interlink Media for $1.2 billion. Source Interlink subsequently closed and consolidated titles in 2008, so Mustang & Fords was combined with Modified Mustangs to create Modified Mustangs & Fords. The classic Mustangs and Fords featured in the former were combined with the performance focus of the latter.
The table of contents, if available, can be seen by clicking on the icon.
We do NOT have net paid circulation data for this magazine at this time.
A total of 30 issues was printed from Oct/Nov 2005 through June, 2008. All cover images are complete.
Website URLs were added to the front covers starting in May, 2006. The site is now defunct: www.modifiedmustangs.com.

Last issue b/4 re-title